Syntech HAG Mono is physiologically harmless once the reaction has taken place. The product is packaged under dry nitrogen and is very sensitive to humidity, including environmental humidity. It is recommended to use a small quantity at a time and carefully close the cans before putting them to rest. Make sure the injectors positioned in the supports are securely held. Given the high injection pressures reached by the pumps, in the case of injectors not positioned firmly and correctly there is a real risk that they could escape from their seat at high speed (with the risk of injury to the operators!). Carefully study the positioning of the injectors near the wall discontinuities to be injected. Poor positioning, too close to the crack to be filled, under the pressure of the pump can cause the support itself to break. Be very careful when using electric pumps, which can easily reach 200 bar pressure, and therefore cause unwanted breakages of the concrete and masonry supports being injected. Remove resin residues coming out of the walls within a few hours after the infiltration has stopped. Delayed removal may be more difficult.
As informações de carácter geral, bem como as indicações e as recomendações sobre a utilização deste produto referidas nesta ficha técnica e eventualmente prestadas verbalmente ou por escrito, correspondem ao estado actual do conhecimento científico e das melhores práticas.